About the Project

Efficient information sharing of watershed acquired, existing, and processed data for planning, development, and management of projects and aide in decision making process through interactive map and collaborative information sharing

What is a Watershed?

Watershed is a basin like system, topographically delineated area that collects rain water and drains into rivers to a common outlet such as dams. A watershed is commonly composed of headwater, drainage area and an outlet. The headwater is the highest portion of the watershed where the rivers ends. The drainage area is where water from precipitation is collected. And the outlet where the water drains into the sea, a major river or in an infrastructure such as dams and weirs. A watershed is a complex system in which humans interacts with natural resources.

iWatershed Objectives

The innovative way of storing and accessing spatial data and information about watersheds with Hydropower facility

Establish an information and data storage system for hydropower watersheds

Access data and information that will feed into hydropower watershed management and project development

Provide visual presentation of information and data

Efficiently provide reports, processed maps, GIS data and other relevant information about hydropower watersheds

Information sharing and monitoring of sustainability and CSR projects through mapping and geotagging

Generate real-time information on watershed hydrology for water balance estimates, sediment yield, modelling and other relevant information

Synthesis and analysis of spatial data for prediction, scenario building and modeling of vital processes in the water management, dam operation and watershed monitoring

Build capacity to use watershed information in the decision making process


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